Lithgow Enfield Serial Numbers

  1. Lithgow Lee Enfield Serial Numbers
  2. Lithgow Lee Enfield Serial Numbers
  3. Lithgow Enfield Serial Numbers
  1. The serial number was used more for production counting than any other reason. For official references, usually the finished and issued rifle was tracked by its rack number and of course these records have long since been destroyed or lost forever. The best on line reference I've found for the Enfield Is listed below.
  2. Truth be known about Enfield serial numbers is simply, the serial number was used more for production counting than any other reason. For official references, usually the finished and issued rifle was tracked by its rack number and of course these records have long since been destroyed or lost forever.

Lithgow SMLE Mk III. Install mysql ubuntu. Serial number confusion submitted 1 year ago. By paint3all 5 I recently bought a Lithgow SMLE No.1 Mk III. From a fellow redditor, and i'm having some trouble identifying and figuring out the history behind the gun.

We invite you to participate in building our knowledge of these fine Australian made firearms and submit to us the serial number of your firearm, along with the model and calibre. A few clear digital images would be of great assistance in validating the information.

Contact us at

Database of known Serial Numbers

Sportco Serial Numbers

To this date no-one can advise on the final disposition of the original ledgers containing the serial numbers allocated to the firearms manufactured by Sportco. Jack Warne was able to advise of some examples when visited in 2005, but no other reliable source exists. From years of experience in handling Sportco firearms some comment can be made as to how the firearms were marked. At times the method seemed quite methodical, at other times specimens reflect what appears to be an ad-hoc method of applying serial numbers.

Sportco serial numbers were a mixture of numeric and alpha numeric structures. It appears that some models, and their variants, were all numbered within a range without regard to linking model to a given serial number range. e.g. A batch of Model 73A (Deluxe) 22LR semi-automatic rifles may have been numbered within the range AN001 - AN999, but within that range examples of the Model 71A (Standard) rifles may be found. From this observation it would be wise to acknowledge that not all Sportco models had their own unique serial number prefix, or designated numerical range.

The identification of some Sportco firearms cannot be made by serial number alone, but rather with a combination of other descriptors such as Model, calibre, action type and magazine type. There may be an example where a Sportco Model 87A is numbered 12345, and the same number is located on a Sportco Model 2. Only with a full range of descriptors can the firearm be identified correctly.

Lithgow Lee Enfield Serial Numbers

Winchester Model 320 and 310 rifles

Some 25,000 of these actions were manufactured by Sportco for Winchester USA. Both the repeater (320) and the single shot (310) have a D prefix with what appears to be either 4 or 5 numerals. The number is placed upon the receiver of the rifle.

Lithgow Lee Enfield Serial Numbers

If some 25,000 receivers were manufactured one would expect the SN to contain the Prefix (D) and 5 numerics ie D00001 - D25000. The lowest SN sighted so far has been D01207 and the highest D67559. Note that the D67559 example falls well above the expected cut-off SN of D25000, so perhaps the SN range for the Model 320 and Model 310 was not a consistent D00001 - D25000? Other examples have been recorded with 4 numerics eg D4675, so we would appreciate any images of rifles with 4 numeric serial numbers.

If you have a Model 320 and it's SN falls out of our known SN range we would appreciate being advised. Please include a clear digital image with your advice. Engineering mechanics solution manual pdf.

The serial number is stamped on the receiver of the rifle.

303 conversions

Lithgow Enfield Serial Numbers

Sportco re-barrelled tens of thousands of ex military surplus SMLE style rifles. Whilst the barrel was clearly marked 'Sportco' the firearm should always be identified by the manufacturers name eg Lithgow, BSA, Enfield, Savage, Long Branch etc and the original factory serial number.

There is no such thing as a 'Sportco' 303/25.

Serial numbers on barrels

Many models of Sportco firearms had the factory serial number stamped upon the barrel and not on the frame.

Here's the whole 'JJ&Co' saga, compiled from several sources.
You can check for the presence (or absence) of the recoil plates by removing the bolt & magazine & looking back & up shallowly into the rear of the receiver through the magazine well. if they're there you'll see them, but be aware they are frequently dirty or greasy so look carefully.


No. 1 Mk III* (Lithgow - 'New')
Often advertised as “collector grade” or “mint - unfired” or “unissued” and selling for $200 and up.
Watch out for these! Quite a few “new Lithgow” rifles have been built just within the last few years from spare parts bought from the Australian government. The parts are new, and the rifles were never issued--but they aren’t Lithgow factory rifles by any stretch of the imagination! They’re recently-built parts guns.
It is possible (though not likely) that some Lithgow-manufactured rifles with late-1945 (or later) dates were kept in storage and subsequently surplussed out in unfired or unissued condition. Such rifles would have 5-digit serial numbers with either an “E” or an “F” serial number prefix, and the serial number would be stamped on the rear of the bolt handle and on the bottom of the fore-end, as well as on the receiver ring. Neither the nose cap nor the bottom of the backsight leaf will carry a different serial number on these rifles. Also, legitimate factory rifles will have 1/4-inch square brass or copper recoil plates installed on the fore-ends where the sear boss bears against the wood. These plates will be attached with small brass wood screws.
If you find a “new” Lithgow with a 1943 or 1944 date, be highly suspicious. This was the height of the war, and virtually all rifles manufactured were issued. If you find the receiver marked with a “JJ CO NY NY” import stamp, assume it’s a parts gun unless you have clear evidence to the contrary. (Many “new Lithgow” parts guns appear to have been assembled on receivers imported by John Jovino & Co.) If you find a 4-digit serial number with no prefix letter and an “A” suffix, this is clear evidence that it is not a Lithgow factory rifle. If you find different serial numbers on different parts, this is clear evidence that it is a parts gun. And if the recoil plates are missing, it is not only a parts gun--it could be dangerous to shoot. There’s a possibility that the fore-end will be damaged with as few as 20 or 30 round fired.

Where JJ Co used unissued receivers, they did not have serial numbers on them from Lithgow.
JJ Co numbered these receivers themselves, using a letter suffix (usually A) in the serial instead of a letter prefix as was customary markings for Lithgow.
If any doubt, a quick look at the serial number and date on the rifle will soon sort it.

For knowledgeable collectors of Lithgow Enfields, these assembled new rifles are pretty easy to spot by their light colored stocks and parkerized finish. Another dead give away for the assembled rifles is that they are not in the normal Lithgow serial number ranges. Most of the assembled rifles have serial numbers that either start with a 'G' prefix or have a 'A' suffix.

import marks on your Lithgow on the right hand side of receiver just above the woodline in front of the bolt handle? If so, I think it you look hard at your import marks, you will see that they are actually IA CO SAC CA but the first 'I' looks like a 'T' due to the mark being stamped at an angle. I have had a couple of the IA imported Lithgow rifles with the IA CO SAC CA import marks on the location I mentioned and others with the import marks on the bottom of the charger bridge on the right side. IA was the 'Inter American' company and they imported a lot if military surplus arms as well as new AKs and Sks. If I remember right, they went out of business around 2005 or so. Anyhow, they had some pretty nice Lithgows as well as some not so nice like any importer. They did not assemble rifles from NOS parts either like Jovino did.