Kodi Repo Zip File Download


The Kodzi Kodi Addon is a very useful tool to install Kodi addons and repositories directly from the internet.

  1. To install the Superrepo repository on Kodi Krypton 17, here are the steps you should follow: Click on Install from zip file a box will appear on your screen so scroll down and choose SuperrepoKrypton Click on RepositoriesSuperrepoClick on SuperRepo.kodi.krypton.repositories-0.7.04.zip and let the installation to complete.
  2. In install from zip file method, we will download the required files on our local hardware. And during installation, we will redirect to the installer stored location. Whereas in another method we will directly enter the path in the installer and during installation, the installer will download the required files. Best kodi repo URL.

Normally if you want to install a third party Kodi addon you add a source in your file manager and install the zip file from there. However some Kodi addons you can only install from GitHub or by downloading a zip file.

Download repository zil file ( ex repository.exodus.x.x.x.zip ) & saved it to anyplace of your devices ( ex Disk E:/, F:/, or to a USB ) Open your Kodi Click Add-ons Click Box icon ( browser addons ) Click Install from zip file Select repository.xxx.xxx.zip ( ex repository.exodus.3.0.0.zip ).

In the Kodzi Kodi Addon you can type in a link to a zip file directly or search GitHub for addons. This addon comes in very handy since you don’t need to download zip files anymore and transfer them to your Kodi media center. Look at our screenshots to get an idea of how the addon works.

Kodi Repo Zip File Downloads

Everytime you find a Kodi addon or repository which is not available through external sources you may want to use Kodzi.

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CyberGhost allows you to use up to 7 devices and offers dedicated apps for Amazon Fire TV, Android, Windows, iOS and many more platforms.

Kodi-Guide.com is not affiliated with the developers of Kodi addons. We do not have any control over the content of Kodi addons nor do we encourage our readers to exercise any form of copyright infringement.


Sections Overview

  • Enter Website URL
  • Enter Lists URL
  • Search GitHub
  • Search History
  • Installed Addons
  • System Settings
Kodi repository zip file download

How to install Kodzi Kodi Addon

Install The Kodz Repository

  1. You may need to enable unknown sources in your Kodi settings
  2. Go into your Kodi settings and open the file manager
  3. Select “Add source” and click on “None”
  4. Type in the path “https://mrkodz.github.io/repo/” and select “Done”
  5. Highlight the box underneath and type in a name like “MrKodz” for this media source
  6. Click “OK”
  7. Go back to your main menu and select “Addons” on the left side
  8. Open the addon browser by clicking on the little box symbol at the top left
  9. Select “Install from ZIP file”
  10. Open the source “MrKodz” and select the file repository.thekodz.zip
  11. Wait until the notification appears that the repository was installed successfully

If you are not sure how to install a Kodi addon just check out our guide with screenshots.

Kodi Repo Zip File Download Free

Install Kodzi Kodi Addon

  1. In your addon browser select “Install from repository”
  2. Select the installed “The Kodz Repository”
  3. Open the category “Program addons”
  4. Select Kodzi and click on “Install” on the bottom right
  5. KODI 18 ONLY: Confirm the installation of the dependencies by selecting “OK”
  6. Wait until the notification appears that the Kodi addon was installed successfully
  7. Return to the main menu and the Kodi addon will be available

Install a zip file with Kodzi

  1. Start the Kodzi Kodi addon and click on “Enter Website URL”
  2. Type in or paste the link to the desired zip file
  3. Make sure the link ends with “.zip” and points to a Kodi addon or repository
  4. Kodzi install this zip file for you and you can access the addon or repository as usual