Crack Windows Server 2008 R2


Forgot administrator password in Windows server 2008/R2? Or someone else changed the password? In both cases, if you don’t have another admin account, the only option left for you is to install the operating system again. As it requires formatting, you’ll lose all your data saved at your hard disk. This article is about how to crack Windows Server 2008/R2 local and domain administrator password without admin account or reinstalling the OS. All data and personal settings will be safe. With help of three simple methods, cracking Windows server 2008 password becomes easy.

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Method 1: Crack Windows Server 2008 Local Administrator Password with Password Reset Disk.

As crack based on removal of activation component involves patching, changes and modification to many system files, it’s likely to be easily detected and nullified by Microsoft, especially in next WGA update or Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Windows Server Technical Preview Build 9841/9860 All; Proceso para activar windows 2008, 2012, windows 7, windows 8.1. Primero descargar en instalar previamente.NET Framework 4.0 o tener Windows 8/8.1/2012/R2. Desactivar antivirus y windows Defender; Descargar programa activador de windows LINK1 LINK2 LINK3; Descomprimir Archivo activador de.

When you lost your administrator password in Windows server 2008, a password reset disk is the most basic and secure way for cracking your lost password, it is very easy, but it only works for local accounts.

1. Power on your server computer. When the login screen of Windows server 2008 comes out, select administrator. Once you login failed, it will prompt you that the password is incorrect. Click “OK”.

2. A link of “Reset Password” will be shown under the password box. Click the link to start resetting your password.

3. A “Password Reset Wizard” is opened, insert your password reset disk and click “Next” to continue.

4. Drive name of your password reset disk will be shown in list, select it and click “Next”.

5. In this step, you are able to create a new password without providing the old one. Type in a strong password which must meet the password policy. Game character hub portfolio edition download. Click “Next”.

6. The new password has successfully replaced the old one, now click “Finish” to close the wizard, and then you can log on administrator with the new password.

Method 2: Crack Windows Server 2008/R2 Local or Domain Administrator Password by Using Installation Media.

If you have a Windows server 2008 installation media, you can use it to crack Windows server 2008 local or domain administrator password without worry about data on your computer. It is an available and secure way for cracking the administrator password without re-installing your Windows system. Let’s go through the steps to crack a Windows server 2008 R2 domain administrator password.

1. Insert your Windows server 2008 installation CD/DVD to your server computer.

2. Restart the computer, when it prompts you to press any key to boot from CD or DVD, hit a key immediately to continue.

3. Windows server 2008 setup screen appears, select right language and other preferences and click “Next”.

4. On the install screen, click “Repair your computer” option.

5. Select an operating system to repair, click “Next”.

6. System recovery options comes out, click “Command Prompt”.

7. A command prompt with administrative privileges comes out. Type “c:” and hit Enter.

8. Type “cd windowssystem32” and hit Enter. Then type “move utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak”, hit Enter.

Download Crack Windows Server 2008 R2

9. Type “copy cmd.exe utilman.exe” and hit Enter.

10. Close the command prompt window and click “Restart” to restart your computer.

11. Once login screen comes out, click “Ease of Access” icon at the bottom of the screen to run cmd. Now you can crack Windows server 2008 R2 domain administrator password with a single command. Type “net user administrator Password123” and hit Enter, the password will be reset to a new one “Password123”.

12. Now close the command prompt window and you are able to log on domain administrator by using the new password.

How To Crack Windows Server 2008 R2 Product Key

Method 3: Crack Windows Server 2008/R2 Local and Domain Administrator Password with Password Cracker. (The Best Way)

Another easy and secure way to crack Windows server 2008/R2 local and domain password is using a famous Windows password cracker, Windows Password Rescuer. This is a professional Windows password cracker which not only can help crack local and domain administrator password for Windows server 2008, but also for any other Windows system such as Windows serve 2019, 2016, 2012, 2011, 2003 etc. The process to crack a Windows password is simple.

1. Download and install Windows Password Rescuer Advanced on another computer, and then run it to create a small boot disk with CD/DVD/USB flash drive.(A USB flash drive is highly recommended)

2. Insert the boot disk to your server computer. Power on the computer and hit F12 as soon as possible to open Boot Options, select USB HDD and hit Enter key to continue boot. Read more about how to boot from USB.

3. Computer will boot from USB and load Windows Password Rescuer screen.

4. Now you are able to crack Windows server 2008 R2 local or domain administrator password with several clicks!

5. Click “Administrator” which you want to crack its password.

6. Click “Reset Password” and confirm to reset administrator’s password to “Hello@2011”.

7. Administrator password has been reset to new and shown in list.

8. Click “Reboot”, when a confirm message comes out, unplug your USB and then click “Yes”.

9. PC restarts and the you can log on Windows server 2008 with the new password.

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    How activate Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 forever by RemoveWAT or Chew-WGA?

    Currently, two leading Windows 7 non-loader crack is RemoveWAT and Chew-WGA. Both tools initially start with different approach, but have since used rather similar crack method, as bugs are discovered and fixed.


    RemoveWAT, developed by Hazar and nononsence is a Windows 7 crack that completely removes Windows Activation Technologies from the system so that users can validate the illegal pirated copies of Windows 7 as genuine status (some reported as “Tampered Binary” in MGADiag due to patching), forever and permanently. RemoveWAT supports both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) and all editions of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

    RemoveWAT, which has been refreshed to RemoveWAT v1.9, also stops sppsvc service and patches DLL files such as slwga.dll, sppcomapi.dll and systemcpl.dll, where the last one removes the whole Windows activation section from the Control Panel’s System Properties. RemoveWAT also support silent install with /s switch, and can be integrated to Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 installation DVD.

    Crack Windows Server 2008 R2


    Chew-WGA is a similar Windows 7 crack which is designed to test the security resistance of various software protections built into Windows 6.1.x operating systems. It works by restraining certain components of the software protection platform. Other than restricting access to sppcomapi.dll file, Chew-WGA also patches many SPP related files.

    Chew-WGA, which currently updated to Chew-WGA v0.9, will make the system to return activated status, and Windows is activated message is displayed in Control Panel’s System Properties.

    Chew-WGA 0.9 can be downloaded from the official Chew-WGA website:

    As crack based on removal of activation component involves patching, changes and modification to many system files, it’s likely to be easily detected and nullified by Microsoft, especially in next WGA update or Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. In fact, Software Protection Platform (SPP) has been effectively to counter unauthorized edit of system files, which may result in features or functionality of Windows been deactivated, reduced, disabled or removed, causing various error message when user wants to perform certain action. Thus, the cracks should never be executed on a system intended for continual use, and should only be used to extend the evaluation period to avoid reinstallation. In fact, to use Windows operating system any longer than 30 days, users should purchase a license.

    Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purpose only.